Friday, 13 July 2012

Mini PC on a Budget

This small Mini PC based using the Android OS, is ideal for connecting to your lounge TV, it is small, about the size of a mobi phone, the picture shows a 50p piece for size comparison.

It comes with a PSU (mobi phone type), a HDMI lead, a mini USB lead and a USB to mini adapter. All you have to do is connect it to the PSU, plug into the HDMI of your own TV and plus in (ideally) a wireless keyboard and mouse (I bought a new Microsoft combi kit for £20 at PC World) and there you have it, a PC to surfe and do all the things an Android would do, it is equipped with WiFi and there is a slot for a Micro SD card for storage. 

If you are an Android user already, then getting used to it would be quick and easy, but be warned, it is not the same as a Windows PC or is it fast as one, but it does the job.

Just sit in front of the telly and surf away...or whatever. As with all Android kit, it can be synced to your google account and you just download apps from the Playstore.

If you have got one or used one, lets know of your experiences.